Monday, January 18, 2010

Medi Alert Necklace Hey I'm Diabetic And Am Thinking Of Buying A 'SOS Talisman' Medi-alert Bracelet/necklace.?

Hey I'm Diabetic and am thinking of buying a 'SOS Talisman' medi-alert bracelet/necklace.? - medi alert necklace

In the SOS site that talks about how EMT paramedics and doctors are trained to recognize them bracelets / necklaces, I wonder whether this is true or a load of Mumbo Jumbo company? They are also recognized throughout the world, or only in certain countries?


Tawny138 said...

I think the medical alert jewelry is a good idea. It can be very expensive, but in my opinion.

I went to a less expensive option and bought a chain pharmacy database, which recognized the snake in the world and the personal symbol on one side and another word for diabetes. It alerts you that, I have diabetes I always carry a card with as much information as is necessary and can be easily found by the doctors.

Bren said...

I do not know where ur, but the British are known for certain, who has worked in boots and we sold many of them. either a bracelet or necklace. You can also use things that I think the freedom of the Red Cross or something, where u get a plastic container in the refrigerator to save each year on the details of the drug and a label that I believe in years of work u in Near the front door for the paramedics, etc. to know how they look in the fridge for years, is the drug a year. I saw this PDB prescription at pharmacies.

gazeygoo said...

If you are diabetic, you are on high alert for the forces.


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